New UI templates
Customize your ERPLY Books software user interface!
Did you know that it is possible to personalize the user interface with different colors in ERPLY Books? Choose the theme you like best from our background color options and continue using the software as usual. There are a total of 4 different template options: purchase-inbox theme, swedbank-main theme, penzby-main themes and the default user interface.
How is it done?
In order to change the user interface template, you must be logged in to ERPLY Books. Select the organization whose theme you want to change. Settings -> Configuration -> Choose Background.
If, after trying different UI templates, you still like the default version, you can put it back by opening the global attributes module and deleting the global named Global_SKIN.
IMPORTANT! Personalization is organization-based, i.e. if an organization has other users in ERPLY Books besides you, their user interface template will change as well.