Partner Panel

The partner panel is a feature that can help you manage your organizations and members effectively. The partner panel provides you with an overview of how things are going in your organizations and how the accountants have been doing.
We will guide you through this feature step by step with instructions and examples.

1. What the partner panel can show
2. What the columns mean and what they show
3. How to search in all organizations
4. Other parameters for users to make the partner panel easy to use

1.What the partner panel can show

Imagine you have 100 organizations, and there are 4 accountants to manage all of them. In such situations it would be hard for you to check each organization on a separate page.

First of all, to properly use the partner panel, you need a superuser. A superuser is a user who has access to all organizations (we also suggest you enable 2FA for that user). After logging in with that user, you can see reports about all of your organizations and accountants.

  • With the partner panel, you can check all of your organizations on one page.
  • Accountants can check what needs to be done today.
    Accountants can check the tasks at the beginning of the day by inputting the types they are going to check in the URL.
    For example, if accountants need to check the files sent to the purchase inbox of 3 different organizations every day, then they can do this by adding “%7CpendingFiles” to the URL to see the files waiting to be processed. Refresh the page by clicking the search button.
  • You can also monitor the operating conditions of your clients in the partner panel, such as the bank balance, invoice amounts and so on.
  • If your company has subsidiary companies or your company belongs to a shareholder group, you can also use the partner panel to share the management reports with other accountants.

2. What the columns mean and what they show

We will go through the columns in the example URL:

  1. When you head to, you can find all of your organizations on this page.
  2. You can change the contents of the page by changing the URL of the partner panel.

There are two basic components for the URL of the partner panel: the main path and the query parameters.
The main path is the URL:, you need to insert this at the beginning of the URL every time when you head to the partner panel.
Query parameters are the fields after the main path, the query parameters are what determine what will be displayed on the page. Usually, query parameters are written in this way: paramName1=paramValue1&paramName2=paramValue2, you can add parameters with “%7C” to expand the contents of the page.
There are 5 types of parameters that can be used in the partner panel:


You can check the parameter types in the API dictionary.

For the provided example URL, we will go through the columns one by one.

We can see that after the main path, there is the customTypes parameter, and then there are the columns in the picture below.



  • pendingPayments: shown in the column “Show Pending Payments” on the page. It will show you the amount of pending payments in the organization. If you have any unsuccessful payments at the bank, these will be shown in this column.
  • docTotals: shown in columns “salesDocumentsTaxInEUCount” and “purchaseDocumentsTaxInEUCount”. It means that the system will make requests for invoices. This parameter is always used together with the parameter salesDocuments or purchaseDocuments.
  • salesDocuments: shown in columns “Sales Invoices(Qty)” and “Sales Invoices(Sum)”. It will show the quantity and total sum of sales invoices added to the system where the EU Tax applies.



  • purchaseDocuments: shown in columns “Purchase Invoices(Qty)” and “Purchase Invoices(Sum)”. These show the quantity and total sum of purchase invoices added to the system where the EU Tax applies.



  • BALANCE_MONEY: shown in the column “Money”, it will display the accounts where the balance type equals ‘Money’ for the organization. In ERPLY Books, we set euro as the default currency, but you can also set up accounts with foreign currencies. Also, in the case of money accounts in different currencies, the currency will be displayed in the money column as well.


  • FEATURED_CUSTOMER_ADVANCES: shown in the column “Customer advances”. It will show the amounts, accounts and dates of prepayments from customers.
  • FEATURED_REQUIREMENTS_TO_SUPPLIERS: shown in the column “Requirements to Suppliers”. It will show the amounts, accounts and dates of prepayments to suppliers.
  • ACCOUNT_TYPE_EQUITY: shown in the column “Equity”. It shows the amount of equity of the organization.
  • ACCOUNT_TYPE_INCOME: shown in the column “Income”. It shows the total income of the organization by months.
  • VAT_REPORT_XML: shown in the column “Sales Tax/VAT Reports”. It shows the tax reports from sales. If you have downloaded any VAT reports in an XML format from the system, it will show the most recent date when you accessed the reports in this column.
  • VD_REPORT_XML: shown in the column “VD”. It shows the foreign sales reports in the EU. If you have downloaded any VAT reports in ab XML format from the system, it will show the most recent date when you accessed the reports in this column.
  • GENERATOR_REPORT_FILE: shown in the column “File”. It shows the tax files you have generated in the report generator. If you generated any tax files, it will show the date when you accessed the reports in this column.
  • docTaxCountInEU: shown in the columns “salesDocumentsTaxInEUCount” and “purchaseDocumentsTaxInEUCount”. It plays the same role as the parameter “docTotals” does. It means that the system will make requests for tax documents.
  • manualJournalCount: shown in the column “Manual journal”. It shows the amount of manual journal entries per month.
  • transactionsCount: shown in the column “Transactions”. It shows the total amount of transactions per month. In this column, both automatic transactions and manual transactions are counted.

There is another parameter that does not have a type: pendingFiles. It is a parameter that will show you the pending documents in your purchase inbox. It works in the same way as pendingPayment, shown in the column “New file in inbox”.

3. How to search in all organizations

There is another type of query parameter called “showMe”, which allows you to add any filters you might like to use. There are 4 filters available for showMe:
– areaKeyword
– username
– manager
– accountant

  • showMe=username -> searches all organizations where this user is present – no matter what the user’s role is.
  • showMe=accountant -> searches all organizations where this user’s role is an accountant, and shows the accountant search box. To use the accountant search box, you need to type in the username of the accountant.

  • showMe=manager -> searches all organizations where the user is set as a manager, shows the “Customer manager” search box. You can change the manager under “Settings” -> “Configuration”. To use the customer manager search box, you need to type in the username of the manager.


  • showMe = areaKeyword -> you can add any kind of search criteria and it will search from organizations’ addresses. This includes the city, postcode, country and street.

Also, it is possible to combine the accountant and manager options if you need to. Just type “&showMe=accountant%7Cmanager” at the end of the URL.

There are input boxes at the top of the page. From the descriptions above we know that if you set the filter of showMe to an accountant or manager and then type the year and month into the relevant boxes, you will see the data for the requested period. Please note that filling the fields “Month From” and “Month To” are both mandatory for searching, or you might not be able to see the data you want.

The search box “Name” means that you can search your organization by its name, and the box after “Name” is determined by what you add in the URL. As you know, if you add “showMe = accountant” or “showMe = manager”, then you will see the search box of the accountant or customer manager. If you add nothing, then there will be no search box after the “Name” field.

4. Other parameters for users to make the partner panel easy to use

Instead of the parameters above, there are other parameters that are not displayed as columns on the page, but help users find information through the page faster and easier.

  1. SortByName.
    In the case of having too many organizations in the system, it is possible to sort them by name, using the query parameter “&sortByName=true”. Add it onto the end of the URL to see your organizations in an alphabetical order.
  2. Translations
    There are so many parameters you can use in the partner panel, and you or your accountant might get confused by some of them.
    If you want to show the parameters on the page in other expressions, you can use the translations parameters.
    The way that the translation works is simple:
    Add “&translations=” to request the translations parameter, and then choose a key for the parameter in the translation document (NB! Original users do not have permission to access the translation keys. If you need to access the translation keys, please contact us at Support User), then type the expressions you want to use in the partner panel.
    Here is an example:

In the URL above, we can see that at the end of the URL, the translations parameter enabled two columns to be translated to another expression:

Label_file%3AOSS: This part translated the column “File” to “OSS”. “label_file” is the key of the parameter “GENERATOR_REPORT_FILE” in the translation document. In the partner panel, “GENERATOR_REPORT_FILE” is originally shown as “File”, in this case, it is shown as “OSS” with the translations parameter.
ACCOUNT_TYPE_INCOME%3ATulukontod: This part translated the column “Incomes” to “Tulukontod”. The key of the parameter “ACCOUNT_TYPE_INCOME” in the translation document is the same as its parameter name, it is originally shown as “Incomes”. In this case, it is shown as “Tulukontod” with the translations parameter.