How does the ERPLY Books software work best for an investment company?
The area of investing is rapidly changing, which means that it and the people working in related jobs must be constantly evolving. Just like the ERPLY Books accounting software. Investing makes it possible to stay above the ever-increasing inflation and instead increase the value of money, which means that the purchasing power of a person/company does not decrease. The accountants of investment companies need to have the knowledge and ability to orient themselves in this diverse and changing world. ERPLY Books can come to the aid of the investment accountant and help make the already complicated paperwork a little easier.

Track nearly 50 different ratios If needed, you can add e.g. more basic financial ratios to the graphs: - ROE; ROA; ROR
- Liquidity ratios
- Bankruptcy Ratios
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Keep an eye on your companies By collecting a company’s financial and tax reports, you can see a list of companies that have not submitted reports. | | 
Manage multiple businesses from one account All information and data are in one place. In addition, it is possible to copy a new company based on the settings of an already-created company. | |

Dimensions Filter reports by objects, projects, and departments. ERPLY Books has grouped them into projects and project groups. | |  Notifications In case you want an e-mail reminder about an overdue sales invoice, you can set it up. The notification is also useful if you want to keep the company manager informed about sales on a monthly basis. | | 
Many integration options Integrate with numerous solutions to complement work processes. | |