by taavi | Jan 5, 2018 | Uncategorized
New price plan in ERPLY Books From now one ERPLY Books’s customers can make changes in their company’s price plan. You can choose and add the most suitable package to your account. You don’t need to contact with customer support. You can do all the changes by... by taavi | Aug 14, 2017 | Seadistused
Managing contacts in ERPLY Books There are three types of contacts on ERPLY Books: Customers Suppliers Employees All of these types can be managed in the contact module at Sales or Purchases -> Contacts. When you click the circular i icon, a... by taavi | Aug 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Algsaldode sisestamine Kui Sul ilmevad sendierinevused aruannetes, näiteks erinevad bilansis aktiva ja passiva ühe sendi võrra, siis võib see tulla ümarduse komakohtade arvust algsaldodes. Algsaldode numbrid peaksid olema sisestatud kahe komakohaga, et... by taavi | Jul 9, 2017 | Seadistused
Project groups in ERPLY Books Project groups in ERPLY Books helps to manage and get an overview of projects. Similar projects can be grouped, so it is easier to find these later. In addition, it is possible to connect invoices with project groups to get an... by Sigmar | Apr 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Registering a new user For registering a new user on ERPLY Books open Fill in the required fields, and press “Sign up”. Open your email inbox and follow the instructions in the email you received. Registering a new user for ERPLY... by taavi | Apr 3, 2017 | Settings, Settings, Settings, Settings, Settings, Settings
User roles in ERPLY Books In ERPLY Books companies have different user roles based on their specificity. Different roles come with different rights. In ERPLY Books, user roles are defined with user types. To open user roles, go to ‘’Settings -> Users’’ and...