Advanced Contribution Margin

The Project Group Report is a solution where you can view the profit and loss statement in a format where different projects (dimensions) are displayed in separate columns. This solution also allows for more precise contribution margin accounting. This tool is designed to help you manage and track the financial results of your projects more effectively, providing a clear overview of each project’s profitability.

The contribution margin function allows you to monitor your project’s revenues and expenses in detail and see how much income remains after all costs have been deducted. This gives you the ability to assess the profitability of your projects and make more informed decisions in managing your business.

To get started, you can set residual income targets for your projects and track how the actual results align with these goals. The software automatically generates reports that clearly show which projects are achieving positive residual income and where improvements may be needed.

If you haven’t yet used contribution margin in managing your projects, we strongly recommend giving this feature a try. It’s an effective way to enhance your financial management and gain better insight into your project’s revenues and expenses. This is our commitment to providing you with the best tools to manage your accounting and increase the profitability of your business.

You can find instructions for using the project groups report and residual income calculation solution HERE!