Archive files by e-mail

To open this module, search “Archive files by e-mail” on the dashboard and a module will open where you can configure when, to which e-mail, and what type of files to send.

NB! This module is only related to the attached files of purchase invoices.  

  • Date: the day of the month you want the ZIP file to be sent to your e-mail address.
  • E-mail: here you need to specify the e-mail address to which the ZIP file with the purchase invoices should be sent.
  • Type: there are three types to choose from:
  1. “Files added last month” – select this if you want to receive files that were added to your purchase invoices in the previous month;
  2. “Files added after last zip sending” – select this if you want to receive via e-mail the files that were added since the last ZIP file was sent, i.e. archived;
  3. “Files added to last month documents” – select this if you want to receive files attached to the previous month’s purchase invoices.

When all the fields are filled in, save your changes. 

If you have any questions, please contact